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HG Gundam Love Phantom


This is the fourth patron collaboration I’ve done since starting the program at the end of 2017. The 'collab' is a program where patrons submit their built kits for consideration, I then choose a kit from the pool of submittals, paint it and send it back its owner. I’ve really grown fond of this program and I hope as time goes on we have more and more submissions!

This kit was sent to me by Violet, she did a good job of putting this one together, fusing seam lines and sharpening elements. I have a critique of her build here on my YouTube channel if you want to gain a little insight into what I look for in a cleanly built kit. I don’t think I will shock anyone when I say that I didn’t really care for Gundam Build Divers. Sure, it's ‘harmless’, but it also felt like low effort filler series between bigger and better series. There were some interesting MS designs to come out of the series. But, none of the kits really ‘wowed’ me including this MS design.

Use my coupon code "GOODGUNPLA" at JoJoHobbyNStuff to save 12% off just about anything in stock including P-Bandai and Preorder kits!

Kit talk:

Since Violet has sent this kit to me completely built I don’t have too much to say here.

The paint scheme I ended up using is inspired by the color schemes of the following kits: Deathscythe Hell, Blitz, and X2. The design feels most like the Deathscythe Hell despite being made mostly from Strike Freedom parts.

The high center of gravity caused by the inverted Strike Noir’s wings makes this kit very difficult to stand up on its own.

For the sake of safety, consistency, and ease of photography I opted to support this kit using a stand. If you’re considering picking this model up I would strongly recommend using a stand.


Use my coupon code "GOODGUNPLA" at JoJoHobbyNStuff to save 12% off just about anything in stock including P-Bandai and Preorder kits!

Copyright © 2018 Gundam Picture Design by


ADS | Redaksiana
