EVA-00 Evangelion Prototype TV Version
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As the name would suggest Evangelion Unit 00 was the very first operational Evangelion. However, as a prototype, it was not actually intended for combat. During the events of the story Unit 00 is upgraded to have the iconic shoulder pylons and Unit 02 style armor plates at this point the unit also received the blue color scheme.
Speaking of which if you purchase either of these kits through the Amazon links on my site, Amazon will provide me with a tiny percentage that helps me to things keep running. The best part is, it doesn’t cost you a dime! So consider supporting me with a purchase through Amazon today!
Kit Talk:
I have been very critical of Kotobukiya's take on the Evangelion models since I built Unit 01. And after building Unit 00, that opinion hasn't changed. What has changed is that I know how to cope with the shortcomings of this model now, and I have a strategy. I still have Unit 02 left to build, but I finally feel confident that I've got these kits down to a science.
In terms of new accessories, Unit 00 doesn't come with very much extra compared to Unit 01. You get a Lance of Longinus and an N2 mine.
All of the colors for this kit were mixed according to the included color guide which I have translated below:
All colors reference Mr. Color products:
(Color Number/Color Name/Mixture Porportion)
Vertebrae Plates, chest details, etc
1 White 65%
52 Field Gray 25%
58 Orange Yellow 5%
7 Brown 5%
Arms, Pylon toppers, etc
1 White 100%
Main Armor
80 Cobalt Blue 64%
1 White 25%
67 Purple 10%
14 Navy Blue 1%
1 White 50%
79 Shine Red 30%
29 Hull Red 20%
Dark Arm elements
2 Black 80%
67 Purple 10%
80 Cobalt Blue 10%
33 Flat Black 100%
N2 Mine Stripe
79 Shine Red 100%
N2 Mine Body
38 Olive 50%
1 White 25%
2 Black 20%
80 Cobalt Blue 5%
Lance of Longinus
79 Shine Red 40%
100 Wine Red 33%
29 Hull Red 25%
1 White 2%
3 Red 70%
100 Wine Red 30%
Back Elements 1
1 White75%
2 Black 15%
7 Brown 7%
58 Orange Yellow 3%
Back Elements 2
1 White 50%
29 Hull Red 25%
2 Black 20%
58 Orange Yellow 5%
Entry Plug 1
1 White 80%
29 Hull Red 15%
2 Black 5%
Entry Plug 2
39 Dark Yellow 97%
1 White 3%
Entry Plug 3
1 White 100%
Umbilical Cable 1
3 Red 100%
Umbilical Cable 2
9 Gold 100%
Umbilical Cable 3
1 White 70%
2 Black 15%
67 Purple 10%
80 Cobalt Blue 5%
Umbilical Cable 4
29 Hull Red 70%
68 Red Madder 30%
Pallet Rifle Part 1
52 Field Gray 40%
80 Cobalt Blue 35%
2 Black 25%
Pallet Rifle Part 2
2 Black 40%
52 Field Gray 30%
1 White 30%
Progressive Knife Part 1
8 Silver 70%
2 Black 30%
Progressive Knife Part 2
7 Brown 65%
68 Red Madder 25%
1 White 10%
Something about the head makes it look morose and forelorn.
Each knuckle needed to be hand painted. There were at least 8 hands... so yeah this took a while.
Like Unit 01 the prog knife shoulder needs to be part swapped.
Here's a pose stolen from Unit 02
There is only one hand to hold everything. And it doesn't come apart, so you're forced to bend the fingers out the way and force the rifle into the hand, which is also why you're seeing the paint transfer.
You aren't given a replacement for the arm for the N2 mine kamikaze charge scheme... So you get this awkward peg poking out of the shoulder.